6 Pack – Marshall amp style collection for GT-100, contains 6 patches
Plex Appeal
based on the sound of a vintage Plexi just on the edge of breakup
JMP For Joy
based on a JMP Master Volume of the 1970s, perfect for classic rock
Eight Hundred
modelled on the sound of a JCM800 stack, an amp which always sounds big, perfect for 80’s heavy metal, with OD1 assigned to CTL and a CE-5 style chorus assigned to PHRASE LOOP, mimics the live and studio rig of Zakk!
Gold 19 Inch
based on high gain channel of the legendary JMP1 preamp, compressed with plenty of appealing compressed high gain, so much fun, looking for a high gain Marshall tone for hard rock with enough gain for solos?, here you are!
Jay VM
based on the high gain red channel of a JVM, ideal for modern metal, scooped mids with truckloads of gain and awesome power
Nice MS Clean
because they can do nice cleans too! a warm full Marshall style clean tone with great versatility
listen to a sample here
Supplied via TSL file via Instant Download after purchase. You will need GT-100 Tone Studio to receive and import the tones we provide. (Don’t have Tone Studio and want written settings instead? Just ask via our Contact Us page)
Marshall amps, logos and Marshall product names are trademarks of Marshall Amplification PLC, these are my interpretations of those styles of amplifier sounds.