A lovely 11 tone collection of brand new Queen style tones, one of my favourite bands, here is what is in this majestic set
Bohemian, a tone for the main guitar solo, and i have also set it so you can also use for the main distortion rock section too, scaramouche indeed!
Fallin Hammers, a tone for the studio and album version of Hammer To Fall, with an extra tone as well for the cleaner chorused guitar overdubs
Show Continues, a rock tone for this song, with boost and settings for those amazing guitar solos
Killer Queens, a patch for the majestic guitar solo from Killer Queen, you will need to add the harmony overdubs like Brian did, this is the main solo tone
Now I’m There, a tone for one of my favourites, the very hard rocking Now Im Here
Mothers Tied, a tone for Tie Your Mother Down from the album A Day At The Races
Keep Alive, a tone with that iconic modulated as an add on for the song Keep Yourself Alive
Wanting All, the drive tones for this song are emulated here, with add on boost for the solos
Days Of Our Lives, two tones here, that sparkly edgy clean sound and a second add on for that gorgeous solo
Don’t Stop Me Now, a tone for that wonderful solo
Love Of My Life Rio, a live acoustic tone that evokes memories from one of the most iconic moments in Queens live shows.
Youtube demos here recorded totally direct!
You can use humbucker or single coil guitars for these tones , but I created them with my Les Paul to get that fat woody tone.
Supplied via TSL file via Instant Download after purchase. You will need GX-100 Tone Studio or the app to receive and import the tones we provide.